Hello all, this time we've combined the October and November newsletter into one double-sized extra strength special edition email. Its double the nonsense, all in one newsletter! (Amazing!) As you've probably noticed, the newsletter is pretty late- I've been sending it with the pictures attatched, but nobody seems to be getting them, so the pictures will be sent separately. So anyways, here's what went down:
OCTOBER In October, Winston, Chris, Tim, Don, Chip, Merril, Wayne, Mark, Mike and Mike, Bernie, Jim, and Scott were able to make the meeting. It was also Chris's 26th birthday- (I'm not sure that's entirely accurate.)
New Business: Chicago is over! Those who went showed off some nice photos of their favorites, with a surprising amount of Fantasy figures winning medals. There was tougher judging, with a focus on the level of difficulty involved. Everyone came home with a medal!
Nordic Con is also over! Bernie, the brains behind this year's show, said that there were over 343 models entered, out of 90 enterants. The Vendors did well, and the restaurant next door said that the show brought more paying customers than any other event. (Armour modellers are known for their immense appetites) Afterwords, we had the annual conversation about 'Next year, we should ___' or 'I didnt like that ___' . But in the end, all agreed that it was a great show.
Old Business: Well, Chris's birthday... wink wink
NOVEMBER At the November meeting, Mike, Merril, Mark, Jacques, Wayne, Steve, Tim, Chip, Bernie, Don, Scott, Steve, Jim, Dave and Kyle, Tim, Jacques, Ed, and Chip were present. Chip gave the treasury report, noting that we have $240 in the bank. Othewise, we did some discussing about Mike's experiences in a Sherman during the winter, and about how abysmally cold it was. We appointed Don to contact AMPS about becoming a chapter, and then took pictures of Jim's figure, Steve's E-100, Jim's figure, Kyle's vignette, and Jim's figure. There were also pictures of Jim's figure. The pictures are being sent seperately.
Anyways, see you next month, and happy modelling! -Kyle Nelson
Hello again, here are the photos from the MMFS November meeting.
1-5: Jim's latest work of art. Check out the detailing on the periscope and the stern expression on his face... all on a head smaller than a pea! 6-7: Steve tackled Trumpeter's massive E-100 in 1/35 and painted it up in his own camo scheme, because nobody can say that it's innacurate. 8. Kyle threw together a Warriors set and put some masterbox figures with hornet heads to liven up the scene. .
Photography © Minnesota Military Figure Society |